COVID 19 and Travel Insurance

COVID 19 and Travel Insurance
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  • Posted by: Castleacre

The World Health Organisation (WHO) upgraded the COVID 19 coronavirus outbreak to a global pandemic. We have guidance below on how this affects travel and travel insurance as well as an important link to the Foreign and Commonwealth Office website.

Foreign and Commonwealth Office Advice COVID-19

Check the Foreign and Commonwealth Office guidance notes on travel as this will offer the most up-to-date information on this virus and the health risks. The FCO travel advice is used by insurers and does have an effect on cover.

To check current FCO advice visit:

Current Travel Advice Foreign and Commonwealth Office COVID -19 Coronavirus Outbreak

You can subscribe to travel advice emails directly from the FCO via their website.

General Guidance on Travel Insurance and the COVID-19 Coronavirus

You are covered for cancellation of travel

• If you had a travel insurance policy in place for a specific destination which was not designated as unsafe at the time but the Foreign and Commonwealth Office are now advising against travel to your destination.
• If you have an annual travel policy in place and you booked travel to a destination prior to the FCO advising against travel to this destination.

You are not covered for cancellation of travel

• If you make the decision not to travel and cancel your travel plans to a destination which the FCO has not advised is unsafe.

You are not covered for any travel claims

• If you have an annual travel insurance policy in place but you book travel to a destination after the FCO has declared that the destination is unsafe.

The Association of British Insurers (ABI) has produced information on travel insurance implications following the outbreak.

If you in a country and an outbreak is declared in that region contact your Travel Emergency number and check the World Health Organisation website or the FCO site. You will need to adhere to any quarantine imposed within the country you have travelled to and you should contact the local health authorities if you have any symptoms. It is also advisable to contact the British Foreign Office.

If you need any further information or guidance on travel insurance please contact us.

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